Monday, June 4, 2012

Does This Picture Send a Message?

Sadly, I cannot lay claim to the photo, nor do I know the photographer who took it, but it definitely shows that the end of the tunnel has been reached and glory shines brightly.

Light at the end of the tunnel7

Yep, we got the enclosure for the hard drive known as “Life” and it works like a charm. Life even has a shinier look in his new enclosure. Oh, and yes, the critical files on that hard drive have now been copied onto another. I still have a few to copy over, and then I will begin the process of backing up those files even further.


So, please take the advice of one who should REALLY know better (being married to an IT professional and executive), back up your critical and even not-so-critical data so you don’t suffer as I have for the last week.

While I’ve been known as the “King of Overkill,” I suspect I will now overkill the back-ups.

Since I’ve been blessed with retrieving my photos and other important stuff, please allow me to share one with you. This one has made it into my book (which is now also retrieved), and serves as a reminder to me that even young trees “have a heart.”

This tree is a Mimosa, and while many don’t like them and consider them a junk tree, Jo and I love to see them with all their blossoms showing in the Spring season. I had always assumed that the Mimosas only blossomed after a number of years, but this one had begun to blossom after only about 2 or 3 years. This photo was taken in its third year.

It is as if this young creation of God is reaching up to Him and saying, “Look, God. I’m showing Your glory.”


And yes, if you’ve been reading my blog, I’ve used this one before, but this image also sends a message for me.

I offer my thanks to God as well for all he has blessed me with and all the glory of his creation is mine to capture with a camera.

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