Monday, November 21, 2011

Question for Blogger Users

I have noticed lately that when I click on a post title to “copy” the address from the browser address line, the words in that address line do not display the post title, but instead it displays part of the first line of the post’s text.

So, is anyone else noticing this?

Does anyone have an idea of how I can get my address line information to display the post title instead of the first line?

Or, is this just a recent idiosyncrasy of Blogger?

Any help would be appreciated if you have any answers for me.

Thanks all.

1 comment:

  1. Terry, not too sure I understand the questions correctly, but what I do if I want to reference a particular post in my blog, for instance, is:
    1. Go to my blog main page.
    2. Click on the title of the post I wish to link.
    3. When that page appears, right click and copy the address from the top address bar.
    4. Paste that info into my link box.

    I use Live Writer, so perhaps this is totally irrelevant! Or perhaps it is just too early for my wee brain . . . Email me if ya want and I'll try to help.



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