Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Pinning the Critter

Please excuse the horrific job of highlighting the “parts” of the critter that I saw in Richard’s painting yesterday. In what I do with my photography, I seldom EVER do anything in photo manipulation software other than “crop” and occasionally “adjust lighting.” Oh, there is the resizing I do to post onto Photobucket or prepare for the blog.

Since I do little in the way of photo manipulation, I’m not really comfortable with working with some of the software. I have three “packages” that I use. My first one was a “HOKEY” package called Picture Easy that came with my first digital camera, the Kodak DC260. It is so limited, that the only reason I still keep it around is because it works the best as a slideshow viewer.

My second one that I principally use is Microsoft’s Digital Image Pro 7, in which I work primarily with non-subtle things like resizing, cropping, and lightening. The last one I got simply because the last photo printer that I had, an Epson printer capable of printing out 13” x 19” photos, wouldn’t work with either the Picture Easy or the Microsoft Digital Image Pro 7. The last one I got is Photoshop Elements. (Incidentally, Picture Easy hasn’t been around in ages and Microsoft’s has been discontinued for some time as well.)

Now, to the painting entitled, “Deep in the Woods.” (Incidentally, it has been reworked by Richard, so as an actual painting on canvas, the original no longer exists as we will see it here.) It is with Richard’s permission that I am posting the original photo image and the details of the critter on my blog. Normally, I would have simply linked to his work, but since I’m highlighting the parts of the “critter”, I’ll have to do that here.

First of all, here is the original photo image. It was in the “far” image, meaning not clicked on and linked to, that I first saw the critter. I have since determined that Richard has created a “hybrid” animal as it sort of looks like a donkey, but with the muzzle and mouth of a wolf-like creature. (Man, what an imagination…..)

Deep in the Forest1

The following is the cropped out critter, so in the original image, look at the base of the left, center tree that is brown in color.

Deep in the Forest5 Cropped

This next image has arrows to point out the top and bottom of the animal’s body.

Deep in the Forest Body

Next, and much harder to make out, are what looks like the ears of a donkey.

Deep in the Forest Ears

Here is the eye that I referred to in my original posting about this painting.

Deep in the Forest Eye

This one is more of a view of the side of the head, with the eye as a part of it. Perhaps this part will allow a better perspective of the eye within the head.

Deep in the Forest Head

Continuing forward on the critter, the arrow here points to the muzzle and the mouth of the animal.

Deep in the Forest Nose and Mouth

And last, the two downward strokes that made up the thin legs at the rear of the animal.

Deep in the Forest Rear Legs

Richard has been kidding me with a reference that it was too bad that I didn’t see the Virgin Mary so that he could pop that painting out on E-bay and make enough to buy his dream RV. Well, sorry, but I have no idea what the Virgin Mary would look like, so I obviously couldn’t see her in a painting.

However, since Richard created this “hybrid” critter but has since covered it over in his painting, he’ll never make a dime on the unlikely animal that he originally created. I’m sure that it could have been a starring character in a movie as well.

I was almost willing to offer money for the painting as it originally was done. Oh, well. Live and learn. This is why I seldom ever delete one of my photos. One never knows when a second look will reveal a beauty not seen before. It is not an unusual thing to happen. But then, it is easy to store digital images. Not so original paintings.

Thanks for the fun, Richard.  I’ve enjoyed this exchange.  What I am sorry for is that my question led you to rework your painting.  I may never comment again with the fear that you will alter and spoil a perfectly excellent painting.

1 comment:

  1. Wellllllll - I thought I was weird - you my friend take 1st prize. I don't see any of what you say you see and I have a very vivid imagination. I'm worried about you and would like to urge you to get the water source tested where you are staying as I think it has been laced with LSD.

    I did not do any alterations to the "Critter" area - the only alterations were to put some red color on the forest floor and change the aspen on the very far left into a pine in order to get some inward balance. So your "critter" should be there - YA RIGHT!!!

    It's been a fun exchange - please do continue to comment on my work, as I appreciate it.



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