As the debate continues on how to rein in the massive spending that government had accomplished over the years, the Democrats have once again pulled out the “old play book” for tactics on attacking the Republicans. (Whatever happened to that “new tone” that Obama spoke of back after the Arizona Congresswoman Giffords was shot?)
One of the latest comments was made by Nancy Pelosi, the former Speaker of the House, speaking to a group of union members. (Below the quote is a link to a story regarding this gathering. It can be determined what political leaning “Talking Points Memo” has by the number of those in the comments critical of Republicans after the story.)
“NANCY PELOSI: Budget deficit is an excuse for the Republicans to undermine government, plain and simple. They don’t just want to make cuts, they want to destroy. They want to destroy food safety, clean air, clean water, the Department of Education. They want to destroy your rights.”
Every election season, whether national or state, the liberals come out and accuse their opponents of wanting to “kill Grandma; destroy the environment; take food from the mouths of children (a reference to school lunch programs); and just about every other type of catastrophe that there is in the world. In addition, with the Obama administration and following the advice of Rahm Emmanuel, everything is a “crisis” and they do everything they can to use that as a means of getting their way.
All during the time of TARP and Stimulus, we heard of all the areas that were in crisis. Banks which were too big to fail, auto companies that are too big to fail, and others were all bandied about as the reasons for massive spending by the President and the Democratic controlled Congress.
The banks got bailed out, the unions got bailed out via the auto buyout, and unemployment continued to rise, foreclosures still came about even after the mortgage assistance program was enacted. Nowhere did any of the “little guys” (and gals) gain from those bailouts. In fact, they actually suffered more.
Back many years ago, the Democrats enacted “Base-line Budgeting.” This was a policy wherein the government each and every year took the budget for each agency and automatically added a percentage to the upcoming year’s budget. So, each and every year, the agencies got additional money every time, regardless of whether the agencies were doing things in an efficient manner or had successful programs.
The Democrats always spoke of “budget cuts” during that period, but the cuts were actually just a lower percentage of increase. Instead of, say 10% added for the next year, they only got 7%. In their rhetoric, they always claimed those as “cuts”, when they were really still increases in agency budgets. When the Republicans took control of Congress back in the ‘90’s, that “base-line budgeting” idea went away. However, I believe that it was re-enacted during the period of 2006 to 2010 while the Democrats again controlled Congress and they had a Democrat (actually Socialist) President in the form of Barack Obama.
While the current crisis of the “default” of the federal government is being hailed as a dire doomsday scenario, the Congress, including the weak Republicans, are again playing with terms and numbers.
There is enough money coming in each month from taxes and fees to fund the debt, the interest on the debt, Social Security, and military and veteran’s benefits and pay. Thus, it is unlikely the government would default IF the Secretary of the Treasury would prioritize what was paid until the issue of government overspending could be addressed.
The ratings companies that have the ability to lower America’s credit rating have stated that the government needs to have at least $4 Trillion in cuts to avoid a rating adjustment. Yet, other than the House’s “Cut, Cap, and Balance” bill and Senator Tom Coburn’s $9 Trillion bill, no other proposal comes even close to the $4 Trillion cut that is needed.
Recently, when “Cut, Cap, and Balance” went to the Senate, they voted to NOT EVEN DEBATE that bill. Senator Reid proclaimed the bill as “Over, Dead, and Done.” Now, the weak Republicans, Boehner in particular, have managed to compromise with themselves. I recently wrote my Congressmen and suggested that the House send the “Cut, Cap, and Balance” bill back to the Senate, but with an additional $1 Trillion in cuts. Then, if the Senate again killed the bill, I suggested sending it back again with yet another $1 Trillion in cuts. I wonder if the Senate would get the message after about seeing that bill come back stronger each time they rejected it?
The Democrats aren’t compromising, nor will they if they can help it. So, again the Democrats will help destroy the country and its economy by their insistence on paying for practically everything. Over the years, the Democratic Party has seemed to believe in buying their votes from those that they can pay off with the tax money of the achiever of this country.
Years ago, one of my relatives told me, “When the government starts talking about the “poor”, then grab your wallet. Every time that someone or some group says that the government ought to do something about some issue, then grab your wallet. It will be your money they use.”
George W. Bush had it right during his Presidential debates. It isn’t government’s money, it is our money. Government complains about the oil companies making huge profits, yet the government gets more money from a gallon of fuel in the form of taxes than the oil companies make in profits per gallon of fuel.
The Democrats and their willing partners, the news media, have been deriding the Tea Party participants ever since those groups began to meet and discuss the issues. I can tell you that it is because the media and the Democrats fully realize that those Tea Party participants are far more educated in regards to just about every trick that the Democrats use to win votes. They fully realize that the Democrats are nothing more than liars and thieves and the news media is a willing accomplice.
It is the same when they attack such Republican figures as Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, Herman Cain, and others that are well educated and knowledgeable political figures that could seriously upset their apple carts. The Democrats are hopeful that a “liberal” Republican, such as Mitt Romney, would be chosen as the Republican presidential candidate. They easily won when the “liberal” Republican John McCain ran for President.
The Democrat’s future is not so certain. As of this week, the polls are showing that President Obama is losing a lot of support from his base. That doesn’t even take into account the moderates and independents who have a tendency to “swing” from one party to another. Congressional support is still way down. Even Nancy Pelosi has a 60% DISAPPROVAL rating.
The Republicans just need to get a stiffened spine and stay strong on reforming the outlandish spending of government, and they also need to repeal the Obama health care initiative. I won’t feel comfortable with simply “de-funding” that program. It needs to go the way of the Dodo bird, and as fast as possible.
The Health Care Organizational Chart: